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Liturgy of the day

– NOTICES JANUARY 2025 –Click on the photo to enlarge


Commentary on the Sunday Gospel 19 January

My time has not come, Jesus says to the Mother that, at first, she seems to have been annoying saying: "They have no more wine".
What is "now"?
For Giovanni it is the crucial moment, of Calvary above all; the eye of the needle through which the whole story must pass in order to be turned inside out, of all men and of all times; but the hour is also the time for the public mission that prepares it: that is the time of the signs, of miracles!
Jesus too obeys at a time that is not his, that the Father has assigned to him, of which he is no longer in a certain sense the master because, despite being God, he left his divine form with the Father and does not want to dispose of it as a man.
The very human miracle at Cana is a miracle of Mary's faith. How it will be for the Canaanite, as will happen for the centurion, Mary's faith obtains from the Father that Jesus anticipates the hour. And then we see the strength of the "woman" who opens here at the banquet at Cana and closes the extremes of the "now" under the cross.
The strength of faith also shines in the joy of the table master while enjoying good wine: the company of God to man is very human and integral. "Not just bread", Jesus will say, but in the meantime it supplies to the diners, that cheer the newlyweds, excellent wine.

Saint of the day

St. Francis of Assisi pastor and martyr
